Visit Your Public Library

Hello from your local public-library-groupie. If you know me, then you've probably already heard me get on my "Public Libraries Rock" soapbox. It's a soapbox that I frequently get on, and when I do it's hard to get me to step down from it.

So naturally, today's post is all about the wonder and glory that is associated with the resource of The Public Library. There are a trillion things I can say about the magic of finding and utilizing the resources at your local public library but for now, I'm going to stick with my five favorite reasons as to why I think you need a little more ✨library-magic✨  in your life.


Lexie's Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Your Public Library


  • Free books!
  • Free audiobooks!
  • Free eBooks!
  • Free movies!
  • Free music!
  • Free WiFi!

Starting off strong with my biggest reason why public libraries rock: OODLES AND OODLES OF FREE STUFF at your fingertips! The library is an absolutely amazing resource filled with free materials ready for the taking... and it is purposefully put there for you to take and enjoy! Doesn't get any better than that. Some of my favorite resources at my local library include: Hoopla Digital, Libby, Overdrive, and of course the free WiFi access!

2. Coffee Shop Vibes, But Like... With Less People 

I'm lucky to live in a city that has wonderful local vendors with amazing tucked-away-coffee-shops around every corner. But, these spots can frequently be quite popular and busy, especially during peak times of the day and around the midterms/finals season. This is where having a resource like a public library network can save the day! Of course, libraries can also have their busy times and popular days but I find that on average my local public library is a safe bet when I want to get out of the house to do some work, focus on a task, or just get my life organized without being massively distracted by other patrons. AND if you're really lucky, you might have a super-hip public library that has a café IN the library! Double win. 

3. Mirrors & Windows

I've talked about the importance of mirrors & windows before, but it's such an important aspect of human development that I need to include it here as well. Mirrors and windows: what are they? 

  • Mirrors are stories that reflect your culture/reality and help you understand yourself.
  • Windows are books, movies, art, etc. that offer you a view into someone else’s experience. 

Visiting your local library is a phenomenal way to introduce mirrors & windows into your life! We need both of these types of experiences in our lives to feel enriched and the resources that live within the walls of a library will undoubtedly offer a myriad of the two. Mirrors & windows pave the way to a rich, diverse, global world and they reveal that there are multiple ways of being.  

4.  Research Help

Many public libraries offer expansive resources of databases including LearningExpress, EBSCOHost, Explora, digitally archived newspapers, etc. Plus don't forget that the librarians that work at the library... they are purposefully in their profession to help with these exact types of things! Looking to them for guidance and expertise is always a smart move and incredibly helpful when it comes to diving into a research paper or wanting to learn more about a specific subject. 

5. Like-Minded People & Community

The library is the perfect place to find like-minded bookworms AND to meet all the neat humans that make up your local community. It's a great space to get to know new people who have the same amount of (if not more!) passion as you do when it comes to literary and media adventures. The library can be the ultimate communal access to awesome resources. By visiting and getting involved in your local library you are opening yourself up to an entire world of literature and stories and interesting topics to discuss. Your life will no doubt be more full & wholesome because of it.

To learn more about me (and my never-ending love for public libraries) follow me on Twitter!

...and remember: You can find Arthur books and lots of other books too, at your local library!

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