I wrote a book!

Hello! Good day!! Some exciting new things are coming your way!!!

Dear reader / friend / Mom / internet stalker - hi! I've got some fun news to share with you all...

I wrote (and illustrated) a book!

A real life, hold it in your hands (or read it on your Kindle) book!


You may be asking, What's it called, Lexie? What's it about, Lexie? When does it come out, Lexie? Why'd you write a book, Lexie? All great questions! Here's a little bit about my new book:

Title: Bossy Pants

Genre: Children's picture book

About: It's about a young girl who, well, is kinda a bossy pants. She's a sassy little thing with more than enough personality to go around. But what happens when being bossy leads to trouble? Or when being bossy gets to be too much to handle? It's hard work being the boss!

Publication Date: November 2, 2017 (ah so soon!!!)

Why Bossy Pants: For those of you who know me well, or even know me just a little bit, you know that Bossy Pants is definitely a character I can identify with (*cough cough* sorry siblings for always trying to "mom" you *cough*). My intent with writing this book is that, hopefully, some of you all can identify with her too. Being a bold kid with a take-charge attitude was always a huge part of my identity growing up and still continues to guide what I do to this day! I wanted to write a story about this "bossy" characteristic and put my own spin on what it means to be the girl in charge. My hope for Bossy Pants is that it speaks to young readers (and older ones too!) about both sides of the bossy identity and that it also serves as a  mirror for those who relate and a window for those who want to take a peek into the life of someone with a big and bold personality!

AND GUESS WHAT?!?! Bossy Pants preorders for the digital version are up now! Have an iPad or Kindle and think you may enjoy Bossy Pants or know of someone who might? Head over to Amazon to reserve your copy if you feel so inclined. Paperback versions will be available to order on Amazon starting October 30th!

Also! If you would like to be apart of the Super Special Secret Sneak Peek Club™️ to receive fun bonus material and a look at the behind-the-scenes writing process for Bossy Pants feel free to join the mailing list here!

In the meantime, keep an eye on this space as well as my social pages for more updates and exciting new info relating to book art, new stories, and local appearances! Hooray, hooray!

Follow @whatyut on Instagram


Much love,


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